“This is stupid, immature, ridiculous, sick, awful behavior … does anybody have any shame or any sense of decency about this whole thing … it’s time to be a little bit better person than the rest of the people in Hubbard who are pulling this crap.”
Magistrate Patrick F. McCarthy, in granting a protection order against Josh Wilson.
“It was a big joke. It was a big thing to go by the Krlichs and beep that horn.”
Magistrate Patrick F. McCarthy, in granting a protection order against Josh Wilson.
“Nobody does anything that brings that kind of crud from an entire community, or least a large segment of people that apparently know one another and have — have made it into this big joke to do this … it’s the most juvenile, ridiculous thing I’ve had come into my court in a while.”
Magistrate Patrick F. McCarthy, during the Mark J. Silvidi hearing.